How To Choose a Good Notebook

Screen size, looking not, is important to many people. To work any better than a larger screen than the usual 15.4 ". Note that after you purchase your notebook can not go back and will then have to decide for the best. With bigger screens, the alphanumeric display (keypad to calculator-style) keyboard will appear on the right side, thus, lack the people who have such as a job related to accounting and the like.

How To Choose a Good Notebook

RAM memory

The RAM is also another aspect to take into account. For those who do not know what it is, and in a nutshell, RAM is a memory that is intended to store information about the programs that are running at any given time on the computer instead of the computer is to look for the hard drive files you need, you can access more quickly to them by RAM. For normal users 4Gb is already satisfactory, for those who want to work comfortably in programs like Photoshop and the like, will have to bet on RAM's starting 6Gb.


As its name suggests, the processor is the component that processes the information, so the more powerful your computer is, the faster processed the information. Thus, for the purchase of your notebook, keep in mind that for normal users a processor with processing 3GHz is already reasonable but for the neediest users, up it is recommended. In branding, Intel is the brand recommended by reliability, price and quality. In terms of the models I3, I5 or I7.

Graphic card

Graphics cards are the bridge between the computer motherboard (motherboard) and the screen. This is responsible for showing you everything that is processing right now. To do this, you should choose graphics cards brands such as NVidia or ATI since they are the most reliable.


Warranty, service and durability of materials are also important factors and it is in this field that brands enter the fight. Brands like Toshiba, HP, Asus, Sony and Apple are currently the best in the market. So should bet on them to make the most of your new notebook.

Operating system

Here discord is constant, or why some are more beautiful or because they are slower, or because they are not productive ... Anyway, to choose the best operating system for you, we advise you to try the most of them before buying so as not to repent in time to start using your notebook.

Hard drive

Surely you know the differences between capacities of hard drives on the market, after all, just know the numbers, but what you might not know is the difference between HD and SSD. The HD discs are older, slower and more robust compared with the latest SSD. Discs with even lower capacity but with much higher processing quality, lighter and more practical.


The battery is also important. Since it will be to buy a notebook, which is portable, it is always uncomfortable to have to walk by the charging. Avoid battery vices and opt for lithium ions. They are good for the price, greater durability and load time.


You see, there are several tips you should consider when buying a computer so it does not come to regret it later. And you? I knew these tips? I had no idea that should follow? I await your opinion. To the next.

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