This is Programming - Do Link The Site To The MySQL Database
Step 1 Do Link The Site To The MySQL Database
It is essential that you know about your bd (database) or db (database) to which the password and user name and server address. I do not know if using Dreamweaver or another editor but it does not matter. In this tutorial I will follow this binding process by Dreamweaver. Readers of this article, I would like to comment on this article saying that editor use. If many use Dreamweaver think it's worth doing some tutorials dedicated exclusively to this editor.
You know what the MySQL server, which your username and password? Then follow to Step 2.
2nd Step
Open Dreamweaver, then go to Site -> New Site and load the tab Advanced. If they followed another tutorial on installing WAMP can proceed. Now open the WAMP and then fill in the following information in Dreamweaver:
Site Name: Write down the name you wish for your site, it's just a reference.
Local root folder: C:\wamp\www\(nomedapastadovossosite)
Default Images Folder: They have no importance if not put
HTTP Adress: http://localhost/(namehost)
Then click where it says Testing Server:
Server Model : Escolham PHP MySQL
Access: Escolham Local/Network
Testing Folder: site
Url Prefix: http://localhost/(nomedapastadovossosite)
3rd Step
Click on OK and it's done the first part. Now switch to the view CLASSIC, and then underneath databases carry the + sign. You can see this example:
By loading the + load in MySQL Connection. Then they should have a window like the first in this image. Fill as follows:
Connection name: Write down the name you want for the connection
MySQL Server: Write down localhost
Username: Write down root
Password: Do not write anything, leave blank
Database: Here carry on Select and then choose the desired database.
You must have WAMP open for this to work.
Click OK and OK.
4th Step
Now that you have linked to the database we just have to put the code in php page. A simple way to do this using dreamweaver is dragging the link you created to the page code. I.e:
Choose the view CODE, and then drag your link for code. Now whenever you want to link from one page to DB (database), writes that little code to the desired page.
And so it is made a connection, if you know some PHP code in order to access and retirares data from your database so already you can use. If you do not know hold for more tutorials!
I hope you enjoyed it, any questions that you did not hesitate to put!
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